Once in a while I have a one day special workshop.
those workshop's are Collaboration between DJ Live music and Me as Nia teacher.
Each MaNia has different theme, like Disco, African music and more.
all the students dress up in the spirit of the theme. Most of it structured lesson but we also dance freestyle.
Projects & photos
Workshop Abroad
Last year I had 2 workshops in Creta.
it gave us the chance to depart from our Familiar surroundings and we hed an empowering Female experience.
We've conected to nature, to nusic and the Nia took us to another level.
diffrent one, more powerful, higer.
it was amazing dancing facing the sea, traveling in nature and feel the connection with the world.
Weekend Workshop
Few times a year we go to a all weekend Nia workshop.
the environment is different and it's more intensive practice of Nia but it's
Also a weekend of fun, good and healthy food, other classes like Yoga, Mandela, Martial Arts of some kind and more.
Workshop for teenagers in schools
There is a tendency, when you are a teenager, to not yet understand the changes in your adolescent body.
Some teens feel embarrassed of their body and some feel the need to externalize it.
The workshops come to teach them to feel free in their own body, remove the embarrassment and learn to move with it and to express it freely.
every year i'm having a big party that is open to all, friends, dancers, family and everyone who wants to dance with us.
Usually i'm the one of the D.J's but sometime i arrange live show with Haim Laroz a musician and dub producer from Israel attracted by the ethnic styles of music such as reggae, jazz, , ambient, dub and etc.